Chancellor Livingston Elementary School

The Hawk's Nest at CLS

A place for students to self-regulate and prepare to re-engage in their learning during the school day. 

CLS Counselor Connections:

2024-25 BTS counselor newsletter.pdf

Second Step: K-5 Weekly Lessons

SEL Lessons: K-5 Counselor Lessons

Student Opportunities at CLS

Peer Leadership

Peer leadership is school program designed to support a positive school culture and enhanced environment based on citizenship, advocacy, mediation, respect, outreach and positive behaviors. The goal of Peer Leadership is to promote inclusivity, positive peer-to-peer communications, enhance school culture, promote and demonstrate volunteerism and community outreach.

Connections Club

Connections Club provides an opportunity for students to connect in prosocial ways that increase feelings of safety, belonging, respect, and community within the school environment. Connections Club allows a space for students to engage in interpersonal and intrapersonal reflective experiences, in addition to serving as an outlet for advocacy and support for one another through structured group games, activities, and student-driven initiatives.

Professional Learning and Resources 

to Support Social Emotional Learning & School Culture

Second Step

Second Step is a tool that all specials teachers and counselors utilize to inform social - emotional learning opportunities.

Personal Safety Program

In partnership with the Center for Prevention of Child Abuse, all students in grades K-5 at CLS are taught personal safety.

Lynn Lyons

Anxiety Specialist

Counselors, teachers and parents have engaged with Lynn Lyons over the years to learn more about how to support students with anxiety.