Graduation Requirements
To use the RHAM Credit Check Tool, click the RHAM Credit Check Tool image or click here and make a copy of the Google Doc for yourself. Fill in the courses you complete under each credit category to see your progress towards graduation.
* The following courses are classified as Physical Sciences:
General Science Chemistry Physics
Geology Astronomy/Meteorology Environmental Science
** .50 of the 1.00 required Health and Safety Education credit is met by taking the required grade 10 Health class. State law allows parents to request exemption from the sections of the class that involve HIV/AIDS, family life education, and sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention program. That request must be made in writing to the student’s school counselor.
(Regional School District 8 Policy 6146 - adopted 2019)
***The other .50 of the 1.00 required Health and Safety Education credit is met by taking one of the following courses: Nutrition & Wellness, CERT - Community Emergency Response Training, Anatomy & Physiology, EMT (Emergency Medical Technician), Med Careers, Exercise Physiology, or an approved on-line health course.
****.5 Personal Finance credit is met by taking one of the following courses: Personal Finance, Personal Finance Online or Introduction to Financial Literacy. One of the three courses is required but may be used as an elective credit, humanities or STEM credit.
Students are promoted to the next higher grade as they achieve the following course credits:
10 6
11 12
12 18
Graduate 25.00
⇨All students are encouraged to take at least six credits per year. However, all students must carry and actively pursue a minimum of 5 credits.
⇨All students are encouraged to take courses required for graduation as early in their high school career as possible, and to develop a co-curricular program that supports and enhances their academic endeavors.
⇨Any request for early completion of graduation requirements must be submitted in writing to the principal prior to June 1 of their Junior year; i.e. one year prior to graduation year.
Grade 8 teachers will input course requests for English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. Students may choose a total of 3 additional elective credits from the document below. Students will be automatically scheduled for study halls if they request less than 3 credits.
Students and parents/guardians can download a copy of the RHAM Credit Category document here or by clicking on the Credit Category image. Please note that this is a fluid document and changes often depending on which classes are running. Please make sure that your version matches the version on this website for the most up-to-date information. A version number is placed on the lower left of the document.
As part of our goal to provide varied levels of academic challenge, the Board of Education has approved a policy of weighting courses for grade point average. This policy is to encourage students to take appropriate courses in terms of their achievement levels and interests. Grade weighting will apply only to GPA. Classes listed as Level 1/2 will be treated as Level 1 when determining GPA. Unleveled courses are not included in the GPA calculation. This policy will not affect honor roll/eligibility calculations.
Students may earn high school credit with the successful completion of eighth grade Algebra I, Geometry, Art Foundations I, Spanish 8, French 8 and/or Latin 8. These credits will count toward RHAM high school graduation requirements and will be calculated into GPA.
RHAM High School transcripts are considered the official and fixed record regarding course of study.
A course may be canceled or enrollment may be restricted for any of the following reasons:
1. Insufficient enrollment
2. Limited facilities
3. Modification of program
4. Reduction of budget
As you use this handbook you will note some courses are offered at various levels (Honors, 1, 1/2 and 2). Leveling of courses is intended to provide students with maximum opportunity to develop personal strengths and interests in a rigorous learning environment appropriate to their individual needs.
On Recommendation Day (scheduled at the beginning of the second semester) student course and level selections are reviewed and approved by teachers using a variety of data including classroom performance, achievement data, and portfolio documents. Should teacher recommendations differ from a parent or student request, a waiver form can be submitted to the student’s counselor. Students and parents should work closely with counselors when making choices or appeals. Recommendations are reviewed and, if necessary, revised at the end of the school year.
We wish to stress that appropriate selection of level should provide each student with a challenging and rigorous educational program. Most students take courses at a variety of levels depending on individual strengths and interests. All levels prepare students for success in postsecondary education and the world of work. Students are encouraged to use the enclosed planning guide to develop a coherent secondary program tailored to their interests and connected to their personal post-secondary goals.
Students who anticipate enrolling in a two to four year college directly after high school should plan a program that includes levels 2 through Honors/AP courses. The more competitive colleges expect a program consisting of Level 1/Honors courses. Early and ongoing planning with school counselors is the key to setting and achieving post graduate goals.
Guidelines for level placements are described below to assist you in making appropriate choices. Criteria specific to Departments or courses are discussed in classes and are available from Department Coordinators.
The levels are as follows:
The Honors Program at RHAM High School is designed for students who demonstrate exceptional ability in a specific discipline. Students enrolled in an honors course are expected to utilize above grade level critical thinking, reading, and writing, and/or mathematical skills in the development of an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. In addition, honors students are expected to work independently, employing a wide variety of organizational and study skills for learning. High levels of initiative and motivation to take on complex and challenging assignments are essential. Criteria for admission to honors courses is described in the handbook for each course.
Level 1 is geared toward students who demonstrate at or above grade level critical thinking, reading, writing, and/or mathematical skills. Students enrolled in a Level 1 course are expected to be capable of independent work as well as to employ a variety of organizational and study skills for learning.
Level 2 is geared toward students who demonstrate grade level critical thinking, reading, writing, and/or mathematical skills. The course provides Level 2 students with reinforcement and refinement in basic skill areas and introduces students to higher order critical thinking skills. Students enrolled in Level 2 courses may require some assistance in developing appropriate organizational and study strategies as well as confidence in learning situations.
Courses with no level designation are for students who require support in fundamental reading, writing, and/or mathematical skills. Placement is based on standardized test scores and teacher recommendation indicating a need for remediation. Students enrolled in these courses are provided with intensive and individualized instruction to help remediate specific skill area deficiencies. Instruction and activities help the students to gain confidence in new and challenging learning situations. These students are provided with skills that are critical to success in high school. Motivations to seek out, accept, and utilize instruction and support is critical. All recommendations for admissions to these classes are reviewed and finalized by departments or made by PPT decision.