Personal Finance (online and in-class)

Humanities Icon


Prerequisite: Algebra I and English 9


Credit Category: Humanities or General Elective

Level 1

Open to Grades 10-12

0.5 Credit

College credit optional (BFN 111)

Personal Finance introduces students to common financial challenges that individuals face every day in our society, empowering students to become financially literate. Students are exposed to a variety of situations and simulations to teach them how their personal decisions, the economy, national financial institutions, and how our government plays a role in their personal finances. It is crucial for students to gain a strong foundation in personal finance to ensure their financial stability in an ever-changing economy. Students will develop a foundation of knowledge in financial literacy regarding the basics of personal finance. These include personal decision making, personal income, managing finances and budgeting, saving and investing, buying goods and services, banking and financial institutions, using credit, protecting against risk, and knowing where to find resources to answer future questions. Course instruction and interaction will take place online only. As such, students must be prepared to commit the time necessary to independently read, research and communicate with their peers and the teacher. Students must be highly motivated learners who understand that an online course requires a commitment to self-directed learning. Periodic meetings at the discretion of the teacher will be mandatory throughout the semester. Students will have the option to apply for three (3) semester hours of college credit through Manchester Community College (BFN 111: Financial Literacy). The overall curriculum and expectations are in alignment with MCC requirements. Students will have the option to apply for three (3) semester hours of college credit through CT State Community College (BFN 111: Financial Literacy). The overall curriculum and expectations are in alignment with the college requirements.