RHAM Health Office

Welcome to the RHAM Health Room website!  Please use the menu on the side in order to help you navigate to the appropriate resource.

High School Nursing Staff

General inquiries email: hshealthoffice@rhamschools.org

Nancy Aniolek, RN, BSN

High School Nurse

860-228-9474 ext. 3429

860-786-1785 fax


Margaret DeCarli, LPN

High School Nurse

860-228-9474 phone ext. 3430

860-786-1785 fax


Aaron Pinkham 

Health Room Secretary

860-228-9474 ext. 3427

aaron.pinkham @rhamschools.org

Middle School Nursing Staff

General inquiries email: mshealthoffice@rhamschools.org

Courtney Roy, RN, BSN

Middle School Nurse

860-228-9423 ext. 4009

Fax 860-228-5316


Melissa Kjellquist

Attendance & Health Room Secretary

RHAM Middle School

860-228-9423 ext. 4008
