Quantum Materials Lab

Mohit has grown a nice single crystal of a spin-chain oxide (first time in this series)

Dr. Tathamay Basu

Assistant Professor

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT)

Email: tathamay.basu@rgipt.ac.in  ,  tbasu@umn.edu  , tathamaybasu@gmail.com

Ph:       +91 535 270 4816 (off)  +91 535 270 4531 (Lab)

Office:   5th Floor (R-512), Academic Block-2

Lab:       4th Floor, Academic Block-1

Address:  Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology

Jais-229304 (U.P.), India

I am an experimental condensed matter physicist. We work on different projects with a primary motivation to investigate magnetism, dielectric constant, magnetoelectric (ME) coupling and multiferroicity in different systems, such as, geometrically frustrated transition metal oxides, strongly correlated 4d /5d-orbital based oxide systems, exotic magnetic system due to dominating d-f correlations, magnetically short-range ordered system (spin-chain, single-chain, single-ion, 2D-layered system), Hybrid organic-inorganic framework, Low-loss and high-k dielectric material, etc.  We have investigated spin-dipole coupling and given a route how to achieve ME coupling by suitably design multifunctional material. We use 


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