
Rescuer depends on private and corporate donations in order to fulfill our mission of helping people out of the financial burden of medical bills.  This financial burden can be devastating to lives and makes it much harder to hear the Word of God.   Our desire is to help those who find themselves in these conditions.  

As a part of this ministry we offer the recipients a Connector contact to provide further help if they so desire.  We also encourage recipients to share their stories here on this website to provide encouragement to others going through similar situations. 

We also ask and encourage recipients to pay this forward to others as their situation allows and if they have this desire.

There is no requirement and we don't expect recipients to repay any portion of the help that Rescuer is able to provide.

How can I help?

If Rescuer's mission and vision is something that you would like to be a part of, please ask for more information or request someone from our organization to contact you by emailing us at  If you would like to donate use the 'Donate to Rescuer Inc' link below or scan the barcode.   This will take you to our PayPal account where you may contribute.

You may also send a check using our address: 


PO Box 11

Dalton, OH 44618

Thank you for your contribution.

Rescuer, Inc is a 501(c)(3) corporation licensed for the State of Ohio.  If you or your business resides within Ohio and you would like a receipt for your tax deductible contribution, please give your contact information either by checking the box on the PayPal donation page or by filling out the Contribution form by following the 'Contribute' link on this page.  Thank you.