Connector Program

Rescuer Connector Program

The Rescuer Connector Program is an integral part of our mission to help those in financial need due to medical bills that are not able to be covered. As part of this plan, your help as a client's Connector is critical for their continued success. To become a Connector we have the following expectations:

  • Connectors must understand that building relationships is first priority.

  • Connectors will provide a letter of introduction to the recipient that will also include your contact information.

  • Connectors will create a personal connection to the Rescuer recipient for a minimum of 6 months.

  • During those 6 months, Connectors will initiate physical meetings at least once per month in a public setting.

  • Connectors will also contact the Rescuer recipient at least once per week via phone calls, emails, and/or text messages.

  • Connectors will also send a monthly report to the designated Rescuer board member for updates by the 1st of every month.

  • Connectors will not be compensated financially for their time phone use, Internet usage, or any other expenses that could arise.


Read one of the following:

  • Anatomy of Peace by The Arbinger Institute

  • You Are God's Plan A by Dwight Robertson

  • What To Do When It's Your Turn (and it's always your turn) by Seth Godin

  • Meet with a board member to clarify Rescuer Goals, Mission, and Vision and to answer any questions you may have.