1:1 Tutoring

About 1:1 Exam Prep Tutoring at Relay

Through 1:1 tutoring, students receive differentiated supports from their assigned tutor depending on their needs and licensure exams. We are excited to provide this service at no cost to Relay teacher candidates.

To be eligible for tutoring, candidates must be preparing for an exam that falls within an eligible endorsement area and complete the request form below. If you request support for an exam that is addressed in a course that we are offering, we will direct you to register for the course. Due to limited tutor availability, we cannot guarantee that all students who request 1:1 tutoring will be assigned a tutor. Enrolled Relay students and alumni will receive priority for tutoring. If you are assigned a 1:1 tutor, please be prepared to begin right away and consistently attend sessions. 

Eligible endorsement areas:

If you would like to receive 1:1 tutoring for your licensure exam, please complete the request form below and someone on our team will follow up with you if you are eligible. Please contact support@relay.edu with any questions.