Licensure Exam Preparation at Relay GSE

Where to start in your exam preparation

Step 1: Confirm which licensure exam(s) you need to take for your program and by when.  If you are unsure, you can confirm your exam(s) and program deadlines by reaching out to your Relay advisor or certification officer at

Step 2:  Review the test vendor's provided support materials to get an understanding of the test format, timing, and content assessed. Visit the "Accessing Test Vendor Provided Materials" tab for guidance on accessing these materials.

Step 3:  After reviewing the test vendor's preparation materials, explore what types of Relay supports are available for your exam(s) and determine which are most likely to support your success through this site.  The tab in the upper left corner has separate pages for each of our different supports.

Still have questions? Email!

Licensure Exam Supports Offered at Relay GSE

The Licensure Exam Preparation department at Relay offers a range of FREE supports to enrolled and prospective students, including:

Our department has assembled an accomplished team of licensed tutors, Relay faculty, and alumni to provide these supports to Relay teacher candidates. Our supports may vary for particular exams, so follow the steps under "Where to start in your licensure exam preparation" if navigating this site for the first time.