To Consider...

Now that you have become familiar with some tools, consider the questions below as you develop an implementation plan. What other issues might you need to address?

  1. Is my district a Google district? Microsoft district? Both?

  2. What kinds of devices (Chromebooks, laptops, iPads, etc.) do I/my students have access to?

  3. What problems with access to Internet and/or devices do my students and I typically encounter?

  4. Do students in my district have rights to download Chrome extensions, or is this controlled by my networking department? If extensions are controlled at the Admin level, who in the Technology department would I need to contact about making Chrome extensions available to students?

  5. If my district is ONLY Google or ONLY Microsoft, who would I contact to advocate for making both systems available to staff and students?

  6. Which teacher(s) in my building/district will be the most excited and eager to try these technology tools? How will I communicate my learning to them?

  7. Which teacher(s) in my building/district will be the most reluctant to try these technology tools? How will I encourage them to get out of their comfort zone?

  8. How will I share these tools with my students?

  9. How will I empower my students to advocate for themselves?

  10. How will I create and empower student ambassadors who will help spread the word about these tools?

  11. What are some ways I might share this information with parents? What support will parents need in order to implement these tools at home?

  12. What will I do after today's session to remember what I've learned today?

  13. What is the most valuable tool I explored today? Which one am I most excited to share with others?

  14. In thinking about students who might in the past have been difficult to help, which of the tools that I explored today are most likely to positively impact those students?

  15. Where can I get additional help? (i.e. "techie" people in my district; Google/YouTube;