ESSA Resources and Program Components

Use this site to learn more about several important ESSA Program Components:

  • ESSA Guidance
  • Evidence for ESSA
  • Career and technical education work-based learning opportunities
  • Developing effective library programs to provide students an opportunity to develop digital literacy skills and improve academic achievement
  • Foster care transportation
  • Funds for dual and concurrent programs
  • Preschool programs
  • Private non profit schools
  • Strategies to reduce the overuse of discipline practices that remove students from the classroom
  • Transitions
  • Well-rounded education

Each topic contains the following sections:

  • Overview
  • Statute
  • Resources

Use the bar on the left side of the page to navigate to the topic of your choice.

This site was produced by the Title I Capacity Building Initiative at Region 10 ESC and funded by the Texas Education Agency.

Region 10 Program Coordinator - Toni Garrett 972-348-1488