Explore the Knowledge Constructor Standard

In her book New Pillars of Modern Teaching, Gayle Allen suggests that curriculum will shift to curation. According to Allen, the transition from Curriculum to Curation requires us to embrace the abundance of information that surrounds us and help students use tools to organize, store, and tag information for use in learning. Scanning, Sense Making, and Sharing are highlighted as the 3S's of great curation. (Source.)

Read about Scanning, Studying/Sense-Making, and Sharing by clicking the links in the slide deck below.

Cartoon image of teacher wearing glasses
πŸ” Interactive Curation Slides

Using any curation tool (suggestions here), curate 3-5 resources about the subject of your choice. You are encouraged to try out a tool that you are not familiar with - in other words, don't submit a Pinterest board you've been maintaining for years.

You might create

      • a list of resources about a hobby

      • a list of websites for an upcoming unit you'll be teaching

      • a travel wish list

      • Twitter hashtags you like

      • social-emotional learning resources

...or any other topic in which you have an interest.

Be sure to use some more advanced scanning techniques and "sense-make" (with tags/annotations etc.) before you share.

Cartoon image of teacher wearing glasses

When you have curated your resources, add your curated list to this slide deck. Explain the purpose of your curation and be sure to add your name to your deck. See Slide #2 for more specific instructions.

Our Curated Lists