Parenting Resources

Print Resources in the Grammar Library

General Parenting books:

Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens ~ Tripp, Paul David

Are My Kids On Track?:  The 12 Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Milestones Your Child Needs to Reach ~ Goff, Sissy

Artificial Maturity: Helping Kids Meet the Challenge of Becoming Authentic Adults ~ Elmore, Tim

The Back Door to Your Teen's Heart ~ Trevathan, Melissa

Boundaries With Kids:  When to Say Yes, When to Say No to Help Your Children Gain Control of Their Lives ~ Cloud, Henry

The Collapse of Parenting:  How We Hurt Our Kids When We Treat Them Like Grown-Ups ~ Sax, Leonard

Effective Parenting in a Defective world:  How to Raise Kids Who Stand Out from the Crowd ~ Ingram, Chip

The Five Love Languages of Teenagers ~ Chapman, Gary

Give Them Wings:  Parenting for the Time Your Teen Leaves Home ~ Kuykendall, Carol

Grace-Based Parenting: Set Your Family Free ~ Kimmel, Tim

Home-Court Advantage: Preparing Your Children to be Winners in Life ~ Leman, Kevin

Instructing a Child's Heart ~ Tripp, Tedd

Intentional Parenting:  Autopilot is for Planes ~ Thomas, David

It's Your Kid, Not a Gerbil!:  Creating a Happier and Less-Stressed Home ~ Leman, Kevin

Loving Our Kids on Purpose:  Making a Heart-to-Heart Connection ~ Silk, Danny

Modern Parents, Vintage Values: Instilling Character in Today's Kids ~ Trevathan, Melissa

Parenting Isn't for Cowards: Dealing Confidently with the Frustrations of Child-Rearing ~ Dobson, James

Parenting with Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility ~ Cline, Foster

Raising Kids for True Greatness:  Redefine Success for You and Your Child ~ Kimmel, Tim

Revolutionary Parenting: Raising Your Kids to Become Spiritual Champions ~ Barna, George

The Shaping of a Christian Family ~ Elliot, Elisabeth

Standing on the Promises: A Handbook of Biblical Childrearing ~ Wilson, Douglas

Taming the Technology Monster ~ Goff, Sissy
Who's in Charge Here?: Overcoming Power Struggles with your Kids ~ Barnes, Robert

Parenting boys:

Bringing Up Boys ~ Dobson, James

Future Men ~ Wilson, Douglas

Raising Emotionally Strong Boys:  Tools Your Son Can Build on for Life ~ Thomas, David

Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys ~ James, Stephen

Your Boy ~ Courtney, Vicki

Parenting girls:

Five Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter ~ Courtney, Vicki

All You Need to Know About -- Raising Girls ~ Trevathan, Melissa

Bringing Up Girls ~ Dobson, James

Queen Bees & Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and Other Realities of Girl World ~ Wiseman, Rosalind

Raising Worry-Free Girls:  Helping Your Daughter Feel Braver, Stronger, adn Smarter in an Anxious World ~ Goff, Sissy

Online Resources