About the Grammar Library

The purposes of the Grammar School Library are to foster a love of reading, to instruct in information literacy, and to provide resources for students and teachers in support of the curriculum.  Since the mission of our school is to provide a classical and Christian education, we will build our print collection with these two areas in mind.

In non-fiction categories, we attempt to select quality resources with varying, credible viewpoints to help our students understand the arguments on both sides of important issues. Our hope is to equip students to engage and impact their culture for the glory of God.

We want to encourage each student to develop a lifelong love for learning and reading. In particular, we want them to read influential books that have endured the test of time. As C.S. Lewis said, “It is a good rule, after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between. If that is too much for you, you should at least read one old one to every three new ones.” In addition to our “old books,” part of our collection is comprised of contemporary literature.  We consider student, parent, and teacher requests and suggestions for these books and aim to select quality books across multiple genres.  We promote and encourage the use of the exemplary public libraries in our area to access books that are not available in the Grammar School Library due to budget or space restrictions.

We recognize standards for reading selections, even among Christians, differ from family to family.  Please communicate your family's guidelines to your student concerning independent reading.  

Regents faculty, staff, or families may request that a library resource be reviewed for appropriateness.  Please ask the librarian for the Reconsideration Form.  The Grammar School Head will lead the reconsideration process with input from staff and parents.

We accept donations of books in good condition. We evaluate donations based on need, space limitations, condition, and content.  Donated books that are not added to the collection may be sold for library revenue or donated to other people or organizations.