Helpful Hints

Learning begins before preschool.  Families are a child's first teacher.  There are many ways to help your child's development. 

VISUAL SCHEDULES   Click here for useful tools to make visual schedules.

Does your child have difficulty transitioning (moving from one place to another:  e.g., from toys to lunch)? A visual schedule is like a calendar for the day.  In the same way that adults benefit from the use of a calendar, children benefit as well.  

2. Start by showing your child the picture of what they are currently doing (playing) and where they need to go next (bath time).  

3. Help them move to the next activity by allowing them to take a toy with them.  

4. Have a basket ready so that your child can put the toy into the basket upon arrival to the       

    next activity.  

Practice!  Practice! Once your child learns what each picture symbol means and the new routine, he or she will get better at transitions.

There are a variety of apps that can be used to help develop schedules on your phone!

Click here for apps

Does your child have difficulty understanding when it is time for an activity to end?  

Use a timer.   You can say,  "In _____ minutes it will be time to go to bed." 

Set the timer on the microwave or stove or use an app on your phone.  There are a variety of apps that children enjoy such as Countdown Timer

Google Play        or        App Store