Image from wikipedia.org

The war lasted for 6 years and one day and began on the 1st of September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. It ended on the 2nd of September 1945 and was marked by VE Day (Victory in Europe Day). The German army was led by Adolf Hitler and were part of the Axis power.  This horrific event  history claimed approximately 55-60 million lives of not only soldiers but civilians to.  Adolf Hitler had very anti-Semitic beliefs, which meant that he wanted to eradicate Jewish people. He wasn't only against the Jewish religion but hated any form of diversity and wished to exterminate the world of difference. 

Winston Churchill led the British army to victory and ensured England victory. Food was very limited during the war and was therefore rationed, meaning people were only allowed to buy a certain amount of something a week. Children often didn't have clothes and were told to 'Make do and mend'. This meant that if an item of clothing broke they would have to deal with what they've got instead of using materials unnecessarily.