Schedule Changes

Changes to a Schedule

To support academic success our goal in the counseling department is to have all students in appropriate classes as quickly as possible.  Therefore, schedule adjustments will be completed in the following order of priority:

When the counseling department has completed the academic changes, elective changes to meet college and career goals will be considered on a space available basis.  Elective changes will only be made IF the change does not impact other class sizes and compel teacher changes.  Thus, not all elective changes can be accommodated.

To ensure your academic success, we encourage all schedule change requests to be submitted one week prior to the beginning of the new semester.  Schedule changes can only be made during the first 10 days of each semester.  However, we strongly encourage you to make any requests early so as not to enter a new class already “behind” in work.

RUSD Board Policy Regarding Class Changes:

*Board Policy / Administrative Regulation 5121  Students Withdrawal from Classes:

A student who drops a course during the first 20 days of the semester may do so without any entry on his/her permanent report card. A student who drops a course after 20 days but before 41 days shall receive a "W" grade on his/her permanent record but the "W" will not count in the determination of the cumulative grade point average. A student who drops a course after the first 40 days of the semester shall receive a "WF" on his/her permanent record, unless otherwise decided by the principal/designee because of extenuating circumstances. Regulation REDLANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT approved: February 28, 2006 Redlands, California

Class Change

Class changes will only be allowed during the first 10 days of the semester. A student that changes classes is responsible for any missed assignments for the course the student will enter.

Days 1-10 (1st/2nd semester): Class changes can occur based on space and without a need to change other teachers. Change is not reflected on a student's transcript.

Days 21-40 (1st/2nd semester): Students that drop a course will receive a “Withdraw” on their transcript for the course they drop. (*BP/AR 5121)

Days 41+ (1st/2nd semester): Students that drop a course will receive a “Withdraw Fail” on their transcript. (*BP/AR 5121)

Level Changes

Level changes (from AP/honors to regular) are allowed up until the 2nd/4th quarter progress report. After this time the student will remain in the class and start the new level at the new semester or new school year.

Level changes can occur based on space and if there is not a need to change other teachers. if a student changes levels of a course, the grade from the AP/Honors course will follow the student to the new course.

A student who drops an AP course after October 15 will be assessed a $40 drop AP test fee. This fee is waived if a student elects to drop the course BUT STILL take the AP exam. Refer to the AP Testing Agreement for specific information.

Teacher Changes

Teacher changes are strongly discouraged. We encourage you to try the course with the teacher and get used to the way he or she teaches, before requesting a change. 

Teacher Change requests will not be considered until after the 1st progress report.

Multiple steps are required before any changes are considered.

Class Change Request Form.pdf
Teacher Change Request Form.pdf