Victoria Elementary

The ASES programs have merged with the Expanded Learning Opportunity Programs to become the bigger and better, Exploration Experience Programs! This page will give you information about the ASES grant funded team and links to documents for both programs.

Welcome to Victoria Exploration Experience!

Being in a classroom for over 24 years has been very rewarding. I started out in my sons special day class and just bloomed from there. Doing afterschool programs for 5 years allows me to create engaging, fun activities for our students. This year we are excited to have merged with ELOP and are enjoying the collaboration very much. Marcia Murphy joins us this year as the program specialist for ELOP. I look forward to seeing you each day as you pick up your student.

Welcome your parents. Tell a little about yourself (years working, appropriate hobbies, experience and education, your goals for this year's program. Merged sites: please reference the success being a merged site and the name of the Program Specialist you work with.) Insert your photo to the left in place of the "Insert Image Here", by right clicking, go to the 3 Dots, then replace image.

Alice Musarra, ASES Site Leader

Site Cell Phone (909) 583-7656


Marcia Murphy, Program Specialist

School Phone (909) 478-5670


Meet our staff

Maria R.

Site Leader Assistant

Alyssa E.

Youth Lead

Hayley L.

Youth Lead

Victoria 2023-2024 School Calendar

Links for Families