Bryn Mawr Elementary

Welcome Families!

The ASES programs have merged with the Expanded Learning Opportunity Programs to become the bigger and better, Exploration Experience Programs! This page will give you information about the ASES grant funded team and links to documents for both programs.

Hello Bryn Mawr Parents! 

My name is Ms. Cindy, I am the Site Lead here at Bryn Mawr Elementary! This will be my 3rd school year working with the afterschool program! A little bit about myself is that I love to play soccer on my free time and spend time with my friends and family, I am currently studying to get my Bachelors in Forensic Psychology with GCU online, my biggest goal for this school year is creating lots of fun memories with our students. Myself and our Program Specialist Pam Martin are both excited to start this new school year with you and your family.

Site Cell Phone (909) 583-1816


Bryn Mawr Calendar 23-34

Meet our staff

Ms. Cindy, Site Leader

Ms. Anna, Site Leader Assistant

Ms. Jordan, Youth Leader

Ms. Reyna, Youth Leader

Mr. Phil, Youth Leader