
Make A Jesse Tree

The Jesse Tree is a tradition used by our Grade 1-3 students each advent. It involves recounting the biblical stories that lead to the birth of Jesus. An ornament is hung each day to represent the reading as we journey to Jesus birth. If you'd like to make your own Jesse tree at home here are a few helpful links.

How to Make a Jesse Tree including a printable PDF

An alternate Printable PDF of ornaments from Reformed Press Church

Make a Nativity

St Francis began the beautiful tradition of retelling the birth of Christ using pageantry. This is still true today as millions of homes display a nativity scene depicting the stable, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, the angel and the star. In Catholic tradition, the baby Jesus figure remains absent until Christmas Eve, symbolizing the waiting period of Advent. Here are a few ideas on how to make your own.

Paper Craft Printable Mary and Joseph and Jesus

Printable Paper Craft Full Characters

Clothes Pin Nativity

Lego Nativity

Wooden Dolly Nativity

Advent Saints

Learn about advent saints like:

Click Here to find a kid friendly list of Advent Saints.

Here is a video about how to draw Catholic Advent Saints.

Make an Advent Wreath

Make an advent wreath and light a new candle each week at the dinner table. Use paper, dollar store items or anything at home. All you need is a green circle, 3 purple "candles", 1 pink "candle" and 1 white "candle". Toilet paper rolls can be a great non flame candle. Simply colour purple, pink and white and place some yellow tissue paper in the top to be the flame.