Notes from the Nurse

Hello North Star Students and Families!

It seems like only yesterday that we were at school sharing our days together. It sure seems unfamiliar not seeing your smiling faces every day. Hopefully soon, we will all be together again; learning, laughing and caring for each other. -Nurse Megan

What is Coronavirus and why is it here? Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that usually cause illnesses like the common cold. Everyone gets viruses now and then and usually get better very quickly. In December 2019, this coronavirus, Covid-19, was discovered and has now spread throughout the world. Most people have a mild illness, like the "flu", but some people get very sick and need to go to the hospital. Scientists and doctors are learning as much as they can, as quickly as they can, to learn about the virus and are taking steps to keep everyone safe. Be sure to wash your hands, don't touch your face, stay home if you are sick, stay with your family and avoid being close to people who don't live with you.

Talking to children about COVI​D-19

There's a lot of news coverage about the outbreak of COVID-19 and it can be overwhelming for parents and frightening to kids. The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages parents and others who work closely with children to filter information and talk about it in a way that their child can understand. These tips can help:

  • Simple reassurance. Remind children that researchers and doctors are learning as much as they can, as quickly as they can, about the virus and are taking steps to keep everyone safe.

  • Give them control. It's also a great time to remind your children of what they can do to help – washing their hands often, coughing into a tissue or their sleeves, and getting enough sleep.

  • Watch for signs of anxiety. Children may not have the words to express their worry, but you may see signs of it. They may get cranky, be more clingy, have trouble sleeping, or seem distracted. Keep the reassurance going and try to stick to your normal routines.

  • Monitor their media. Keep young children away from frightening images they may see on TV, social media, computers, etc. For older children, talk together about what they are hearing on the news and correct any misinformation or rumors you may hear.

  • Be a good role model. COVID-19 doesn't discriminate and neither should we. While COVID-19 started in Wuhan, China, it doesn't mean that having Asian ancestry – or any other ancestry – makes someone more susceptible to the virus or more contagious. Stigma and discrimination hurt everyone by creating fear or anger towards others. When you show empathy and support to those who are ill, your children will too.

Resource: American Academy of Pediatrics

Starting 4/6/20, the Division of Public Health will begin a new collaboration with the United Way of Delaware to increase call center services and will now divide calls this way:

  • All social service, essential business, unemployment or stay at home-related calls -- including inquiries about food assistance, housing or utility assistance, etc. -- should now go to Delaware 2-1-1, 1-800-560-3372, or text your ZIP code to 898-211. Delaware 2-1-1 has increased its hours, added operators, and now is available seven days a week.

  • All medical and testing calls should continue to come to DPH's Call Center at 1-866-408-1899 or 7-1-1 for people with a hearing impairment. The call center hours are 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at:

What is Social Distancing?

Watch this video to find out!

New Castle County is offering public WiFi sites throughout NCC. Please visit the following website to see sites and instructions:

Delaware Guidance has a 24 hour Emergency Hotline for any child 3-17 years old who is experiencing a mental health emergency

Call 1-800-969-HELP


Teaching Children about COVID-19: Activities, videos, stories, games:

Information regarding masks for children from the American Academy of Pediatrics: