
Hello North Star Elem PE students!!! I hope you are all happy, healthy and staying home safe! Please remember during these at home times proper health and exercise are VERY important! Please get outside if you have a safe outdoor area and PLAY! "Play is the work of childhood." Play and exercise safely. Remember, at this time, you should be playing or exercise with your in-home family members only. Remember, to always do our Gym Class Warm-Ups before play. Over the years I have taught you all many activities and exercise you can do at home or at school. Please remember my most import rule is SAFETY!!! Do not do any exercise or activity that could hurt you or someone in your family.

3,4,5 Grade remember to practice your Volleyball skills in between your Heart Healthy exercises- Walking (Family Walks), Running, Dancing, Biking (If parents feel that is safe at this time) Jump Rope, Hula Hooping, Throwing and Catching and Hiking. We hope to pick up where we left off with Volleyball as soon as we return to school. Bump and Set skills have been taught. Practice with any safe ball these skills alone or with a family member.

K,1,2 Grade: Start each day with your Gym class Warm-Ups - Jumping Jacks, Run in place, Touch your toes and Trunk Twists. Then be sure to keep up with your Hula Hooping, Jump Rope, Throwing and Catching Skills, Balance, Basketball shooting, Dribbling, Passing, Catching. If you are able to go on Family Walks, Runs, Dancing or Biking (If your parent feels that is safe at this time) do those activities also. They are so important at this time!! Heart Health is so important and it will help you SLEEP better at night. Stay safe and I miss you all!!!

Stay turned for future activities and information. Remember "Play is the work of childhood" - Mrs. Freebery

Here are a few sites to access from home if you need new ideas for Health and Fitness:

Dr. J "Germ Busters"

Watch this video to learn how to take precautions during this time of the Coronavirus.

Mindfulness Lesson

Dr. J explains how to be mindful and present in the moment from your home!

Long distance running example
Hula Hooping Video
Hello Mrs Freebery
Warm up exercises

Individual Strength Training Ideas for a Rainy Day. Individual Cardio workout inside workout for a Rainy day.

  • 10 Push-Ups - Run in Place

  • 10 Sit-Ups/Crunches - Jumping Jacks

  • 10 Lunges - Jump Rope

  • 10 Squats - Hula Hoops

  • 10 seconds Planks - Mountain Climbers

  • 10 Trunk Twists -Jump and Reach

Repeat Repeat

North Star cheer