Little Watts, Big Impact

Our Inspiration

During the 2022-2023 school year, the Brandywine Springs Green team, with the help of Practical Energy Solutions conducted an energy audit of Brandywine Springs School. This audit was insightful and it has inspired us to take action and start  this informational campaign. We want to give you the tools to make electricity visible so that we can help students implement behavioral changes that will help minimize our energy usage, reduce utility expenses, avoid the emission of greenhouse gasses, improve comfort and productivity, and enhance the reliability and maintenance of the mechanical systems. 

Our Mission

Energy conservation is about engaging the school community to change human behavior through such acts as turning off lights, computers, projectors, copy machines, laminators, and other devices that will otherwise use energy 24/7 if not properly managed. Changing behavior, however, isn't easy and it doesn't happen overnight. It will require the engagement of the whole school population and consistent feedback.