Research Part 3

Learning about Health and Safety Protocols

Rules for Working with Food

-Don't leave food out too long. 

-Use a thermometer to see if food is still good to eat.

-When you have a knife hold the blade down so it doesn't hurt anyone. Also, don't skip, jog, or run with knives. 

-Wash your hands when you touch something dirty. Even if it's a little touch, you still have to wash your hands!

-Use gloves! Sometimes gloves can be dirty though because when they make gloves the people who pack the gloves might have dirty hands.

-You have to put on a hat or a hairnet, so the hair does not get into the food and get people sick. 

Practicing these Rules with Sandwich Making

When we made sandwiches, we used plastic knives made for kids. They're not as sharp as grown up knives, but we still practiced our safety rules. We practiced our knife skills with Abby and Eric before we used them. We also washed our hands before making our sandwiches. Abby and Eric taught us to put our hands together or put our hands up to signal to others that our hands are clean and to not touch us. We used clean gloves and clean masks. If someone touched something dirty they got a new glove. We practiced health and safety when someone dropped food, they cleaned it up and threw it away with a napkin. If any material (knives, plates) fell on the floor we had to wash it before we used it again. We made sure to clean up messes so there wasn't traffic. If you had short hair you didn't need to wear a hairnet or hat, but if people had long hair they had to have a hat or a hairnet. Eric said it was also okay if you tied your hair back in a ponytail. 

This page was written by Shuwen, Brandon, and PaJah.