How AL2 Made a Cafeteria

On Wednesday, November 15th, AL2 hosted Red Bridge's first ever cafeteria. We designed a space and menu to accommodate approximately 50 different people with varying preferences and allergies. Click through the pages of this website using the side menu or the buttons below to learn more about ALL of the work that went into this!

Everyone had a job on cafeteria day. "Floor staff" were busy making sure the cafeteria patrons such as this one felt calm,  satisfied, and had an overall positive experience. 

We worked to prepare food all morning on cafeteria day. "Kitchen Staff"  followed food safety guidelines  to prepare and  serve food. 

All students worked to create a lunch line that would be quick and calm. Upon reflection, we think that it was louder and more stressful than we wanted it to be!

After a lot of hard work, we finally got to sit down and enjoy the meal we worked so hard to prepare!

Here's what other students said about the cafeteria:

Here's what we said about the cafeteria:

Reflection: "Could a cafeteria like this happen everyday at Red Bridge?"

Work and Character Habits in Action

Our Habit Plan

During the Deep Dive, we planned to focus on organization work habits and two character habits: showing leadership by speaking up when you need to and calibrating our responses to the size of the problem.

A planned and co-lead 3 Morning Meetings to teach about how and when to "say something" (stand up for yourself or someone) and calibration.

During Week 1 of Deep Dive, we reflected on how we could keep our shared and personal spaces neat, tidy, and ready for learning.

Traditionally during Deep Dives in AL2, we try out a new organization system since there are so many materials to manage. This time we used a Deep Dive binder with 5 tabs: Schedules & Work, Habit Goals, Research, Design, and Reflect.

What actually happened

We ended up practicing SO MANY of the AL2 Character and Work Habits. Here are some examples:

This page was written by Rachel with the help of all of the AL2 students that were present on Thursday 11/16.