Student Leaders

As a very dedicated team of Travelwise Student Leaders at Red Beach School you can imagine how disappointed we were to read the front page story in the Rodney Times that stated we were not actively involved in the Travelwise programme. Most of us have been student leaders for at least 2 or 3 years giving up our own time to dedicate to Travelwise campaigns. We work extremely hard to promote sustainable travel solutions to our fellow students encouraging them to walk, cycle, scooter or park and walk to school.

As a school we have been involved in Auckland Transport’s Travelwise programme since its inception and its predecessor scheme under Rodney Council for the past 12 years. We regularly take part in “Safety at the Gate” campaigns to discourage the use of cars around our three gates and we actively promote the use of designated drop off zones within 5 minutes’ walk of the school.

We are very proud to be a Travelwise Gold Award school constantly working to improve how we are perceived by our wider community.






Isaac Room 30

I'm a year six Travelwise student that has been part of Travelwise for 2 years now. Last year we went to the Cloud where a Travelwise event was held. At this event we earned a Gold certificate, this year we are going to try and hold our position.

Oscar Room 30

Hi my name is Oscar and I am a year Six.

I’ve been a Travel Wise student leader for 2 years now. I also love walking to school and sometimes I ride my bike. Last year I unfortunately missed out on going to the Cloud. I'm looking forward to going this year though. :o)

Maxwell Room 23

Hello my name is Max and I am in year 6 and I have also been a Travelwise Leader for about 2 years. I walk to school almost every day of the school year (;

Anika Room 30

Hi my name is Anika I am a year 6 student. I started Travelwise two years ago. Now I walk/bike to school almost every day .

Nicholas Room 30

Hi my name is Nicholas I am in year 6. I have been in Travelwise for 2 years now, in the past we went to the Cloud to collect our Travelwise award from the Mayor Phil Goff. Almost everyday I walk to school.

This year we are planning a lot more whole school campaigns to encourage our students to travel to school in a sustainable way. To help us run these campaigns we have considerably increased our numbers of student leaders to support our experienced group introduced above.

We are pleased to welcome:

Aalia, Imogen and Ariki from Room 30.

Courtney, Valrey, Jayden and Rea, from Room 29.

Charlie from Room 9.

Levi from Room 14.

Leo from Room 16.

Daisy from Room 1.

Mrs O'Reilly - Room 1

I am the Travelwise Lead Teacher at Red Beach School and it is my pleasure to be working with this great bunch of dedicated students. They work very hard to organise ways in which we as a school can work towards our School Safety Travel Plan, aiming to reduce the number of car journeys being made by our students as well as cutting congestion around the school gates.

New Student Leaders.

You don't have to walk or cycle to school to be a Travelwise Student Leader. You do have to be committed to helping students 'Make a Difference'. There are lots of ways that you can help and be involved in helping the school be 'Travelwise'.

If you are in years 4, 5 or 6 and interested in becoming a Travelwise Student Leader please contact Mrs O'Reilly either by email or pop into Room 1 and have a chat or stop one of the current Student Leaders and have a chat.