The Course

Course Overview

This online learning opportunity provides teachers and leaders a chance to grow more intentional about the concepts of learning space design in schools. It is designed as a two week introduction to many of the concepts found in the book: The Space: A Guide for Educators. Our hope is for the learning habits of all students to be grown and nurtured in optimal learning habitats.

The features of this course include: images of learning spaces designed and observed around the country, videos with guidance on how to begin and what to consider, articles and research that provide insight and justification for putting resources into learning space design, weekly hangouts to discuss learning space design, action steps to begin the learning space design shifts needed, and a community of other educators on this same journey.

Each of the ten days will have a focus question, resources for creating and designing your learning space, a challenge for you to complete, and an opportunity to showcase your work in the course. We hope that you enjoy the course. We will be using the hashtag #learningspaces and @spacethebook to share our work, ideas, and resources on Twitter as well. Join us in this important conversation.