Day Two

Focus Question:

How can we empower our students to be co-designers of our learning spaces?

Input (s):


Bob and Rebecca discuss the importance of bringing student voice into the work throughout the process.


M Lab Planning: Rebecca works with students to gather their design opinions.


Designing informal learning spaces using student perspectives.


Want to Learn More?


Student Voice in Your Learning Space: Here’s How (And Why)

Do this page in booklet:

Booklet Action:

Pass out post-its and ask students these questions (choose 2-3):

  1. Where would you rather be? (or What is your favorite space?)
  2. Where and how do you learn best?
  3. When and where do you feel the most creative?
  4. What problem would you like to solve?
  5. How do you feel at the end of a day of school?

Save 5 of their most inspiring post-its.

Booklet Output:

Tweet photos of exercise. Share how it made you and your students feel.