
Readington Township Public Schools has in place various Crisis Response Plans that are comprehensive and responsive to the range of crisis situations that could affect schools. Of course, the key principles of emergency preparedness are planning, teamwork, and practice. The district continues to work directly with local law enforcement and the New Jersey Department of Education School Preparedness and Emergency Planning to prepare for any and all contingencies.

School and parent communication also plays a vital role in a crisis situation. The District will provide families with accurate information about a situation as quickly as possible. This communication will occur when the school emergency occurs and again when the emergency is resolved or information has changed. While it is important for us to quickly update parents, it is also important that the information we send is accurate. Please be aware that emergency situations are fluid and always changing, and that information received from non-District sources such as the news media and social media may be inaccurate.

In the event of any need to establish immediate communication with our students’ families, Readington Township Public Schools will utilize the following methods of communication:


  • Via the School Messenger System, student home phone numbers and/or guardian phone numbers will be called depending on the time of day of the emergency notification.

Web/Social Media

  • On the homepage of the district website.

  • On our Facebook/Twitter page


  • You will receive email/text notifications through our School Messenger and Genesis Blast