Parent Resources 

Community Resources

Finding the right counselor or therapist can be difficult. There are many good providers in the community. Below we provide a guide to understanding the treatment options and some local providers. 

The providers listed  below represent a sample of those in the area and should not be viewed a recommendation or endorsement of any one provider.

Mental Health Care by Level

There are a few levels of care for children and adults. Below is a guide to understanding the level of care that may be appropriate for your child with a list of local providers. 

Weekly Outpatient Counseling – Individual, Group, or Family

Mild impact on functioning in school or home:

Partial Hospitalization (PH) or Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

More severe impact on functioning in school or home:

(PH – Full days, education provided; IOP 3-4x/week 3hours/day)

Crisis Intervention-Crisis Assessment Required

Signs a student may be in crisis:

A crisis assessment may be obtained by: 

Hunterdon Behavioral Health:  908-788-6400 ER or Mobile Outreach Services 

Perform Care (877) 652-7624 Mobile Response & Stabilization Services – At School or Home

Licensed Private Practitioner 

Self Care for Parents

Resources for Specific Mental Health and Academic Issues

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Guide for Parents:

Informative Websites: 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Guide for Parents for School

Helpful Tools and Websites


Keep an eye out for the annual Hunterdon Hospice Art Bereavement Group - February - April

Helpful Parenting Tools:

Informative Websites

Academic Tutoring & More

Resources to support your child academically outside of school.

HBS Resources:

Outside Providers Websites

Selective Mutism

Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder in which a child is unable to speak in certain settings or to certain people. The most common setting for children with SM to struggle in is school.  

Helpful Parenting Tools:

Informative Websites

Anxiety Disorders

More and more students are being diagnosed or presenting with symptoms of anxiety. This has been exacerbated by fears of Covid-19, remote learning, social isolation, and world events.  

Helpful Parenting Tools:

Informative Websites