
The science program aims to develop the students’ skills of inquiry and problem solving. We will be doing experiments/observations on a regular basis to develop observational skills, make predictions and generalizations.

Science Inquiry

*Identifies patterns in objects and events studied and, with assistance, records observations using pictures, words and charts

Makes predictions and generalizations based on observations

Investigates how various things work, by following specific steps and procedures, that lead to observations and inference

Problem Solving Through Technology

Investigates a problem and generates a possible solution

Topic A: Rocks and Minerals

Demonstrates knowledge of materials that comprise the Earth’s crust and demonstrates skill in classifying these materials

Topic B: Building with a Variety of Materials

*Safely uses a variety of tools and methods in building activities

*Uses many materials and designs to build structures

(Intro) Compares the effectiveness of different materials and designs for their intended purposes

Topic C: Testing Materials and Design

* Judges the effectiveness of different materials and designs for their use in a building task

Topic D: Hearing and Sound

Describes the nature of sound and shows ways of making and controlling sound

Topic E: Animal Life Cycles

Describes the appearance and life cycles of some common animals

Describes animal adaptations to different environments

Describes what is needed to care for animals


Rocks and Minerals Videos

Rocks and Weathering Slideshow:

Hearing and Sound Videos

Look at the ear:


Ear video and quiz: