Junior & Senior Year Timeline
Junior Year Timeline
Fall Junior Year
Register for PSAT (PSAT is an optional preliminary test to the SAT)
Build resume
Continue to maintain/improve GPA
Winter Junior Year
Improve/maintain GPA (& credits)
Continue w/ extracurriculars/participate in new extracurricular activities
Explore/research options for after high school
Junior Parent Info Night
ACT Prep
Student athletes interested in playing college athletics should register with NCAA Clearinghouse
Spring Junior Year
Visit colleges/Meet college reps
Cooper College Fair
Request letters of recommendation from teachers in person (if necessary)
Retake ACT (if necessary)
Sign up for specific college mailing lists
Senior Year Timeline
Fall Senior Year
Visit more schools and finalize your college choices
National College Fair
Retake ACT (if necessary)
Update resume
Senior College Planning night
FAFSA - opens October 1 fafsa.gov
College Application Week at Cooper (last week of October)
Winter Senior Year
Search and apply for scholarships
FAFSA Completion Night
Complete FAFSA (if not already done)
Stay on track with grades and extracurriculars
Spring Senior Year
Decisions! (May1 is the traditional deadline)
Request final transcript to be sent to college attending