Early Release Day Schedule

December 10, 2021

All professional learning will be school based except for the workshops indicated below.

Everyone must complete the survey at the end of the day for attendance verification and State Certification credit.
Survey Link for December 10, 2021

1. Mandatory Training for all Paraprofessionals and Teaching Assistants

Enhancing Classroom Management Practices Part 1

This course will provide paraprofessionals and teaching assistants with an understanding of how to use the foundation of behavior to prevent, teach, reinforce and respond to needs that arise in the classroom.

Please choose one session to attend based on your school's time schedule. If you are not assigned to a school, please choose the time frame that best fits your work day.

Classroom Management Slide Deck

There will be a Mandatory Enhancing Classroom Management Practices Part 2 held on April 11, 2022 for all RAP members.

Group 1: 11:30am -2:00pm

Instructors: Hailey Lehman, RPC
Melisa Pittman, RCSD

Schools with 7:30 – 2:00 schedule. Student dismissal is 10:45 am.

Schools with 7:30 – 2:30 schedule. Student dismissal is 11:00 am.

Meeting ID: 993 0971 4144

Passcode: RCSD2021

NY Phone Number: (646) 558-8656

Phone Passcode: 53477190

Group 2: 12:30pm -3:00pm

Instructors: Jennifer Rymanowski, RPC
Jaime Lustig, RCSD

Schools with 8:30 – 3:00 schedule. Student dismissal is 11:45 am.

Schools with 8:30 – 3:30 schedule. Student dismissal is 12:00 pm.

Meeting ID: 983 1100 2505

Passcode: RCSD2021

NY Phone Number: (646) 558-8656

Phone Passcode: 46906473

Group 3: 1:15pm -3:45pm

Instructors: Cassandra McCumber, RPC

Gene McNamara, RCSD

Schools with 9:30 – 4:00 schedule. Student dismissal is 12:45 pm.

Meeting ID: 97299001220

Passcode: RCSD2021

NY Phone Number: (646) 558-8656

Phone Passcode: 56657879

2. This course is mandatory for NYSSA teachers.

Course Title: NYSAA Training Modules – Required Training Modules for NYSAA ELA, Math, and Science for the administration of the exam in 2021-2022

NYSSA teachers who are required to take this course will be notified through email by Nancy Eichner before December 10.

3. This course is highly recommended for Bilingual K-5 Teachers and Bilingual TOAs

Course Title: Istation Español
Course Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Course Description: This session is highly recommended for bilingual teachers. Teachers will get an overview of the Istation System, platform use, and district instructional guidance. This program will serve as an adaptive program to support K-5 students with Spanish Language Development. "Istation Español’s assessments and instruction provide the data to support instructional decision-making, feedback for students, and target areas for improvement. Istation Español’s web-based educational technology can help teachers: prioritize critical interventions, identify students for small-group instruction., select from targeted, teacher-led lessons and compile skill strengths and weaknesses. Perfect for all bilingual implementations, including dual-language models, Istation Español is different from a translated literacy program that has been transadapted from English to Spanish. Learning is enhanced through purposeful activities with Latin culture and literature. Plus, explicit and direct lessons give students targeted intervention and instruction that identifies needs and adjusts to each student’s abilities."

Meeting ID: 921 8003 4272

Passcode: RCSD2021

NY Phone Number: (646) 558-8656

Phone Passcode: 79848994

4. This session is for “CIT Interns” and is optional.

Title: CIT Interns December Check-In

Time: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Description: This session is optional for “CIT Interns” and should not supersede building-based programming. This is an opportunity for our newest colleagues to connect with each other. We will celebrate your hard work on behalf of your students, reflect on your professional growth, and discuss what lies ahead for you in the RCSD. We will be joined by RCSD and RTA leaders, and you will have a chance to win prizes!! CIT Interns will receive an invitation via email with additional details.

Meeting ID: 977 0000 1339

Passcode: RCSD2021

NY Phone Number: (646) 558-8656

Phone Passcode: 72643366

Everyone must complete this survey at the end of the day for attendance verification and State Certification credit.

Click on the link below.