Welcome to Dr. Rice's Kindergarten!

I am so glad that your child will be with me for Kindergarten this year and I am so excited to meet each of you!!  Whether this is your first child to start school, your last or somewhere in the middle, I know how hard it is to let them go.  As a mother myself I know it is very important to you to make sure that your child is safe, happy and learning.  It is my job to do that for him or her. Our year will go by so quickly! By the end of Kindergarten, your child will have grown and changed in many ways. My goal is to have your child reading and writing by the end of this school year. I would love to work with you to make that happen! Please let me know if there is anything I need to know about your child to help him or her have a successful year! Welcome to our class family!

Our first day of school will be on Wednesday, September 6th. You can see our district calendar here. Our school day begins at 9:00 with breakfast and ends at 3:30 for dismissal. Please know that I am always here to help you and your child so that everyone achieves success. Feel free to reach out to me anytime!  

If you are able and willing to help out our classroom, our wish list of items can be found here. Thank you for considering supporting our learning adventure!

CONTACT: Charles Carroll   School 46

250 Newcastle Road

Rochester, NY 14610

SCHOOL PHONE:  (585) 288 - 8008

EMAIL:  marie.rice@ rcsdk12.org