Getting Ready

Getting Ready for Our First Day.....

If you have ever moved to a new school, or started a new job then you know how your kindergarten student feels. The first day of school can make your child feel very nervous. (It makes me feel nervous every year and I’ve been doing this for over 20 years!)

There are several things you can do to help your child have a GREAT start to his or her school years. Here are my suggestions:

1. Talk about school in a positive way every day between now and the first day. Tell your child about how much fun Kindergarten will be! We will sing songs, listen to stories, meet new friends and have play time too! Get your child excited to be a part of this great experience!!

2. Tell your child how proud you are of him or her for being “big enough” to go to school. Talk about all of the great things that he/she will learn this year. Point out how you use reading and writing every day and how your child will get to learn these things now too.

3. Start counting down how many days left until school starts so the first day of school doesn’t catch your child by surprise.

4. As you go school supply shopping, talk to your child about how much fun it is going to be to learn and use these fun tools.

6. Start practicing how to do simple tasks like opening/closing their backpack and lunchbox, opening food and drink items, zipping up jackets, washing hands, etc.

7. Please make sure your child is able to fully take care of their bathroom needs. We are not allowed to help them wipe and we are not allowed to use flushable wipes due to our plumbing at school.

8. Have your child practice wearing their mask as we will be required to use them all day.

9. Start their new bedtime schedule the week before school starts. It takes them several days to adjust to a new sleeping schedule and Wilson is an early school. Our class starts promptly at 7:30 every morning.

10. If your child is riding the bus, practice getting their things together and being outside on time (you should receive a letter with your bus information). It is helpful to practice for a day or two before school starts. It helps them get into the new schedule and prevents them from being exhausted on their first day.

11. Please make sure your child’s backpack has their first and last name, address, and phone number somewhere. It can be written directly inside the backpack or you can use a luggage tag.

12. Add a picture of your family that your child can use for comfort. It would be great if they can keep this picture at school in their cubby.

13. Have all of your child’s supplies ready the day before our first day. Let them help you pick out what they would like to wear (remember we are a uniform school). Pack their backpack with supplies (unless you’ve already dropped them off).

14. Remind your child that you will come back to pick him or her up at the end of the day (or see them at home if they ride the bus). Tell them what your family will do after school so they know what to expect.

15. Even if your child looks sad, or is crying, please stay positive and send them on their way. I know how hard that is!! But, I also know that the longer you wait, the harder it becomes. Please trust me that I will comfort and care for your children. Almost every crying child stops as soon as we begin our first fun activity.

16. Please remember…..starting kindergarten is a scary experience for many children. This is especially true if your child has never really been away from you. (For example to go to preschool or daycare) It is normal for some children to cry. Once we begin our day, they get over it very quickly!! The best thing that you can do is to show your child how much you love him/her with hugs, kisses and smiles and then be on your way. I know it is hard but it is the best thing you can do to help your child adjust to school quickly and positively.