12th Grade
12.1 The student will describe the value of the home and family as primary sources of enrichment and personal renewal.
Descriptive Statement: Content focuses on the importance of home and family as a support system, as a nurturing influence in developing values and attitudes, as an example or role model for the student's future home and lifestyle and the value of family relationships.
12.2 The student will analyze the effects of cultural and family patterns on individual and family development.
Descriptive Statement: Topics such as kinship, family cultural background and customs, family religious traditions, and the changing family in today's society are analyzed.
12.3 The student will describe types of adjustments and sources of conflict in interpersonal relationships.
Descriptive Statement: Students learn that adjustments in relationships are to be expected and are not all bad. Instruction also includes common problems, commitment to the relationship, communication skills, decision-making strategies, compromise, positive mental health practices and other methods of conflict resolution. The importance of privacy and boundaries for self and others is discussed as well as tools to ensure students respect the personal privacy and boundaries of others. Content shall also focus on the prevention of sexual harassment using electronic means.
12.4 The student will explain how parental responsibilities change throughout the family life cycle.
Descriptive Statement: The following topics are reviewed: the family life cycle; family structures; cultural and religious influences on parental behavior; psychosocial developmental stages; the developmental tasks of parents and children through the life cycle; strategies for parenting; nutritional needs of family members throughout the life cycle; family roles and responsibilities at various stages; and conflict resolution.
12.5 The student will recognize the challenges of individuals with disabling conditions and ways in which families can be sensitive to and make adjustments for these needs.
Descriptive Statement: The emphasis is on managing and coping with the mental, emotional and financial stress brought on by the special needs of individual family members with such conditions as chronic illness, physical, mental and emotional handicaps, and learning disabilities. The use of community resources, educational institutions, and personal skills is included.
12.6 The student will develop a plan for managing resources in the home.
Descriptive Statement: This involves developing a household budget that achieves family goals. Time and energy management and the role of personal skills also are discussed.
12.7 The student will interpret state laws that affect family life.
Descriptive Statement: Current laws in Virginia are reviewed, as well as any pending legislation affecting individuals and families regarding marriage, divorce, adoption, mental health, child abuse, sexual abuse, sexual violence, assault, human trafficking, and legal responsibilities of parents.
12.8 The student will identify ways of preventing and/or coping with various types of violence and abuse.
Descriptive Statement: Content includes issues associated with dating violence, spouse abuse, sexual assault, sexual violence, human trafficking, physical and verbal child abuse, family violence, electronic harassment, and abuse of the elderly and disabled; violence prevention strategies, and identification of local support groups and agencies. Emphasis is placed on abuse as an unacceptable form of behavior that should not be tolerated. The need to report violence to appropriate authorities and agencies is presented as well as methods of reporting. Students will understand why it is important to report violence and abuse to the proper authorities and/or agencies and how to report it safely. Instruction also includes information about the harmful effects of female genital mutilation, associated criminal penalties, and the rights of the victim including civil action. Instruction may also address the prevention and recognition of child abduction, child abuse, child sexual exploitation, and child sexual abuse. Students will demonstrate the ability to seek mental health services as needed when coping with violence.
12.9 The student will analyze stress and crisis situations which affect family life.
Descriptive Statement: Stress situations and crises in the family are emphasized, particularly parental crises, death and dying, substance abuse, the termination of a marriage, role changes, job conflicts, loss of income, and serious illness. Students learn ways to prevent and manage such situations and crises and to ensure that the final outcome is positive. Students will demonstrate the ability to seek mental health services as needed when coping with violence.
12.10 The student will identify procedures and criteria for assessing community resources that deal with individual and family problems.
Descriptive Statement: Students learn how to locate community resources and how to evaluate them in selecting appropriate assistance with individual and family problems.
12.11 The student will describe the benefits for saying "no" to premarital sexual activity.
Descriptive Statement: The student progresses in assertive skills associated with saying "no" and knows the physical, emotional, social, psychological and economic implications of premarital sexual relations. Instruction includes the law and meaning of consent and an increased awareness that consent is required before sexual activity.
12.12 The student will prepare a plan for the fulfillment of lifelong goals.
Descriptive Statement: Each student develops a plan designed to achieve the goals previously identified and based on the self-assessment activity in the eleventh grade. The plan includes strategies for attaining personal, educational, and career goals. The student continues to be made aware of the variety of opportunities and choice.