Family Life Teacher
*School nurses, school counselors, PE/Health teachers, and classroom teachers facilitate various lessons, 3-5.
Grade 3
3.1 The student will demonstrate a sense of belonging in group work and play.
3.2 The student will express what he or she likes about himself or herself to continue developing a positive self image.
3.3 The student will become aware of the changes occurring in family life that affect daily living and produce strong feelings.
3.4 The student will give examples of healthy coping strategies for dealing with the feelings produced by changes in the family.
3.5 The student will identify and use correct terms for external body parts associated with reproduction and elimination.
3.6 The student will recognize that while all human beings grow and develop in a given sequence, rates and patterns vary with individuals.
3.7 The student will become aware that both a male and a female are necessary to have a baby.
3.8 The student will comprehend that the baby grows inside the mother's body for nine months and then is born.
3.9 The student will describe the types of behavior that enable him or her to gain friends or to lose friends.
3.10 The student will practice safety rules in the home.
3.11 The student will demonstrate to others how to respond appropriately to good touches and how to handle inappropriate approaches from relatives, neighbors, strangers, and others.
3.12 The student will be conscious of how commercials use our emotions to make us want products.
Grade 4
4.1 The student will be able to identify the human reproductive organs.
4.2 The student will identify physical changes that begin to occur during puberty.
4.3 The student will develop an awareness of human fertilization and prenatal development.
4.4 The student will identify basic human emotions and effective ways of dealing with them.
4.5 The student will develop awareness and acceptance of his or her strengths and weaknesses.
4.6 The student will become aware of the need to assume responsibility within the family and to function effectively as a family member.
4.7 The student will describe the factors surrounding child abuse and child neglect.
4.8 The student will identify factors contributing to the use of drugs.
4.9 The student will recognize the dangers of substance use and abuse.
Grade 5
5.1 The student will define the structure and function of the endocrine system.
5.2 The student will identify the human reproductive organs in relation to the total anatomy.
5.3 The student will explain how human beings reproduce.
5.4 The student will recognize the relationship between the physical changes that occur during puberty and the developing capacity for reproduction.
5.5 The student will realize the importance of nutrition for himself or herself and for pregnant women who need to eat nutritious foods and avoid dangerous substances while the baby is growing inside the uterus.
5.6 The student will identify reasons for avoiding sexual activity prior to marriage.
5.7 The student will describe the effects of personal hygiene on one's self concept.
5.8 The student will recognize the importance of contributing to a constructive group activity.
5.9 The student will develop an increased understanding of the roles, duties, and responsibilities of family members.
5.10 The student will examine the messages from mass media related to sexuality.
5.11 The student will develop skill in saying "no" to any social behavior or activity that he or she perceives as wrong for him or herself.
5.12 The student will recognize threatening or uncomfortable situations and how to react to them.
5.13 The student will explain the effects of substance use and abuse on the body.
5.14 The student will become aware of the existence of sexually transmitted infection.
Grade 6
6.1 The student will understand personal hygiene practices and the physical changes that occur during puberty.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.2 The student will explain the effects of growth on development, attitudes and interests.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.3 The student will continue to identify physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty and their effects on growth and development.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.4 The student will recall basic facts about sexually transmitted infections.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.5 The student will be able to describe the etiology, effects, and transmission of HIV.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.6 The student will summarize the process of human reproduction and the benefits of postponing premarital sexual activity.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.7 The student will describe personal characteristics that can contribute to happiness for self and others.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.8 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of child abuse and neglect, including emotional and sexual abuse.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.9 The student will become aware of community healthcare and safety agencies and their functions.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.10 The student will explain the effects of substance use and abuse on the individual, family, school, and society.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.11 The student will evaluate the messages from mass media related to sexuality and gender stereotyping.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.12 The student will be able to define human trafficking and identify where and how it occurs and explain laws protecting children from human trafficking, and/or inappropriate and abusive behavior of others.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)
6.13 The student will apply decision making skills in problem-solving and in determining the possible outcomes of his or her decisions.
Health Teachers, Behavioral Health Wellness Specialist-New River Valley Community Service (BHWS-NRVCS)