Domain Overview

Number of Competencies: 5

 Approximate Weight: 33%

Approximate # of Multiple Choice: 24

Instructional Task: 1 (150-300 word response)

Competency #3

Understand the role of phonological and phonemic awareness in reading development and how to develop students' phonological and phonemic awareness skills.

Competency #4

Understand the role of concepts about print, letter recognition, and the alphabetic principle in reading development and how to develop students' knowledge and skills in these areas.

Competency #5

Understand the important terminology and concepts involved in phonics instruction and recognize the role of phonics and sight words in reading development.

Competency #6

Understand how to develop students' phonics knowledge and skills and recognition of sight words to promote accurate word analysis that leads to automaticity in word recognition and contributes to spelling development.

Competency #7

Understand the role of syllabic and structural analysis and orthographic knowledge in reading development and how to develop students' knowledge and skills in these areas to promote accurate word analysis that leads to automaticity in word recognition and contributes to spelling development.