Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the real-life United Nations. The objective of a Model United Nations conference is to provide students with the opportunity to adapt to the role of delegates representing different countries and then have them discuss, debate, and resolve issues relevant to our world today. Model United Nations offers students the chance to learn about a multitude of global issues that correspond to different committees in the United Nations, such as the Human Rights Council, Economic & Social Council, World Health Organization, and many more. RENMUN IX is Renaissance College’s annual Model United Nations conference. RENMUN IX is a legacy project that signifies the ninth iteration of RENMUN. The conference runs across two days and allows students from all across Hong Kong to engage in facilitated yet enthralling debate on current affairs. The Secretariat is responsible for managing the logistics of the event, planning communications between schools in Hong Kong, and overseeing intense debate with the final aim to reach a consensus on the subject at hand.



🗓️ Tuesday 

⏰ 3:15pm-4:15pm


*For more information, please contact the Teacher Supervisor or Student Head

Teacher Supervisor

Mr. Georgiou

Student Head

Karmen Tsai