Line and Shape Challenge

In Art we have been working with line, shape and colour.

Let's see how we can apply these art elements to different kinds of art.

You have 3 choices. Choose the one you want to explore.

If you have time you can try some others.

1 . Line and shape portrait

Find a photo from a magazine or newspaper. Cut out the face shape. Draw your own shapes for hair and clothes. Use different kind of lines to fill in your shapes. You can use black and white or colour.

2. Line and shape landscape

Create an original landscape using this grid to guide you.

Either use a dice or choose which elements you wish to use.

Add other interesting details from your imagination.

3. Line and shape challenge

Divide a page in your sketchbook into 4 pieces.

Your challenge is to create a design beginning with only 2 lines.

Draw 2 lines on each piece of your paper. They may be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.

Both lines must travel in the same direction.

Look at the examples.

Now you have your line designs, add shape and colour to your work to create 4 pictures.