The Crazy Weather in 2024


By: Eleanor McElroy

If you haven't already heard, scientists predict that 2024 will be the hottest year since 1850. At this moment 2023 is the hottest year but that may change soon. As you may know 2024 has been really chilly, but not for long.

Many people haven't heard researchers/scientists predictions about 2024 being really hot. Scientists aren't 100% sure it’s going to be the hottest year but most of their tests come out has it being at least as hot as 2023. EJHS student Zoey Carter says, “I think last year was a very difficult year for the weather, and with this year being even hotter I think it’s going to affect businesses and other things…” So not only is the heat going to be hard to handle, it can also impact businesses like farms and crop sellers. That is because of how hot it can get and with it probably being even hotter the crops won’t grow a lot at all.

These are some sunflowers that are dying from the heat.

Even though the crops and farmers may suffer the most, the people in general will still have to deal with the hot heat. Now if you think about it, all the people will be hot… all that, but   you think of it in a different perspective like  a 6th grade student, Callie Beyers she says, “People don't think about that stuff until it’s a problem.” What she means by this is that the “ordinary” people won’t care until it’s actually a really big deal. 60% (6/10) of people who filled out a form said how they haven't even heard about 2024 being really hot. The word needs to get out to people!

This is what answers people who filled out the form.

Even though there are a lot of important things about the hot heat in 2024s summer, but also about all the 2 hour delays and the unexpected snow days. All this affected a lot of people in lots of ways. The big hail, leaving dents in cars, all that! Again, Callie Beyers says, “Balls about the size of a golf ball, they dented our roof and our car… We both had to get new roofs.” If the hail is that big, and damages the roofs so badly that you have to replace them, that's a lot of money! And a terrifying experience.

This is an area covered in snow.

Weather is a very important topic! Get the word out to everyone you know! Fill this form out to say what you think!

Authors bio: Eleanor is a 6th grader at EJHS who loves art and baking.