
World Book Day

Year 6 dressed up as thier favourite characters. 

Science - Light

In science, we have been learning about how shadows are formed and how light is reflected off surfaces. We had a great time making shadow puppets and periscopes! 


On our first week back, we got to learn about Craig - a 90-year- old magician from Edinburgh. Craig has been doing magic since he was 12. He loved it so much that he joined The Magic Circle when he was 13. Craig has always combined his love for magic with his ability for crafts and creates his own props!

Watching Craig perform his magic with so much passion inspired us to learn and perform our own magic tricks. We wrote stories around them, created magic spells and recorded messages for Craig, expressing our admiration and gratitude. 

Design and Technology Projects 

Below are pictures of our gazebo structures. We adapted and turned them into accessory holders. 

Year 6 at the Peacock Theatre

Beat the Buzzer! 

We made our very own Beat the Buzzer games! 

Science - Electricity

Our science topic this half term is electricity. Here are some images of our circuits. 

We used a range of components and everyday items to create a doorbell! 

History - Tower of London Trip 

On 21 November, Year 6 visited the Tower of London to learn more about the Tower's infamous past as a prison. Year 6 learned about the people who were imprisoned at the Tower (including pirates) and explored the conditions they lived in. It was an amazing experience for us all! 

History - Roman Punishment Tablets

In history, we have been learning about crime and punishment during the Roman period. Here are some of our very own punishment tablets made of clay and written in Latin script.  


Here are some of our mini Scratch projects. We used the pen extension, loops, events and motion blocks to create an interactive backdrop. 

Isle of Wight Residential September 2023