Pastoral Care

At Rāwhiti School we ask that staff inform one of the Senior Leadership Team (Principal or Deputy Principal) before contacting Oranga Tamariki. Advice will be given to staff about making the referral and about recording any information into our student management system (Hero). In the case of an emergency, contact the Police and then inform the Principal or DP as soon as practical.

Please come and have a discussion with Lauren or Paul about which support service to make your referral to.

SWIS referral Rāwhiti Master

Referral Form Master 

Make a copy of this form and then share with Paul

Rawhiti Counselling Referral Form

Make a copy of this form and then share with Paul

Individual Referral Form

Group Referral Form

Make a copy of this referral form and then share the form with Paul (and send a message while you share it)

Drop in form Mana Ake - 2023.docx
PHNS Referral .pdf

Public Health Nurse Referral

Copy of CPPA.Intro-to-Science-of-Wellbeing.Keynote.Aug17.LH_.pptx

Resilience - Lucy Hone


Making Wellbeing Practical

Exposure to violence primary aged children.pdf

Impact of family harm

Activities and tips for teachers and families to promote well-being.

Leading Lights

Username: Stronger 

Password: 4Tomorrow

The effects of trauma on behavior.pdf
Hand model of the brain.pdf
Window of tolerance.pdf
the_anger_iceberg_revisited using a trauma lens.pdf
Weighted blankets & toys.pdf
Proprioceptive touch.pdf
Brain Development & sensory kete.pdf
2023-01-24_Embedding trauma-informed practice (no notes).pdf