Middle School Mathematics

Welcome to Mr. West's classroom

where we are all mathematicians!

A Great Year in Math!

What a phenomenal year we have had learning math at RLRS this year! Throughout this year, students have grown not just in terms of their academic knowledge, but also in terms of their communication and collaboration skills. 

In 6th grade, we just completed our learning of the Cartesian Coordinate Plane. We first explored the concept of positive and negative numbers through familiars contexts including temperature and bank account balances. We then expanded on this concept to explore what it might mean to include two number lines, one vertical and one horizontal, on the same 2-dimensional plane. Thus the x-y coordinate plane is born!

In 7th grade, we constructed triangles with specific conditions of angles and side lengths using genuine mathematical tools like rulers, protractors, and compasses. We first explored the concept of an angle as a measurement of rotation (or "the way" that two lines meet at a point.) This is where we connected our knowledge of circles from earlier this year to better understand angle measurements and therefore tri-angles!

In 8th grade and Algebra I, we learned from each other as students delivered their presentations on mathematicians of their choice. We reflected on the topics in math we've talked about so far, where these topics will lead in the future, and which individuals have contributed (and continue to contribute) towards these topics. We defined a mathematician as someone who has contributed to mathematics, or whose contributions were made possible due to their use of mathematics. Students presented on a wide-variety of individuals who interested them, from chemists to topological experts!

Ada Lovelace 


Who is Mr. West?

Growing up in Jackman, I attended a K-12 school just like RLRS. Middle school is a particularly special time for me, since that is when my passion for mathematics really began to flourish. Since then I have enjoyed not only learning mathematics, but helping others as well! 


I began my post-secondary academia at the University of Maine where I graduated with a degree in Secondary Education and Mathematics, earning my 6-12 math content teaching certification. Throughout these 4 years grew a passion for learning. I enjoyed learning so much that I decided to continue at the University for 2 more years and earn my Master of Science in Teaching degree. In graduate school my passion for mathematics and education grew deeper. I attended the RUME conference in Omaha, Nebraska where I presented my thesis research alongside notable education researchers.

My Goal

is to help students find their own passion and acheive success in however they define success. Math does not have to be a scary or mundane task. Math can be a way for us to build our critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills that apply to any field of life!