8th Grade


8th Grade Syllabus

Course Outline:

In 8th grade, concepts necessary for learning high school algebra and geometry are developed. We interpret transformations on simple shapes that prepare for applications of transformations on functions in algebra. We apply proportional reasoning developed in grades 6 & 7 to introduce linear relationships, including equations and functions. We define the concept of a function through the lens of computer programming. We interpret calculations with exponents that prepare for exponential functions. Number fluency is advanced to include irrational numbers. We interpret the meaning of exponents and irrational numbers through geometric representations. 

Anticipated Sequence of Topics: 

The sequence outlined is a projected goal and is subject to adjustments at the discretion of the teacher. 

This course is based on the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum that is aligned with Common Core State Standards for Math. 

Skills that students will continue to develop:

Scoring and Assignment Policy:

It is my hope for all students to do well in school and I will work my hardest to help each of you reach your learning goals. In turn, I expect that you will work your hardest in helping yourself to reach your goals. Throughout a unit, students will receive scores using a traditional 100-point scale.

A+ = 97-100

A = 93-96

A- = 90-92

B+ = 87-89

B = 83-86

B- = 80-82

C+ = 77-79

C = 73-76

C- = 70-72

D+ = 67-69

D = 63-66

D- = 60-62

F = 0-59

Formative Assessments (30%)

Formative assessments comprise the work done in school and at home that is assessed during the learning of a topic. Formative assessments include homework, in-class activities, and quizzes. Combined, these are worth 30% of your overall grade. You are expected to put top effort into all work as a way to help you reach your goals. That being said, these assignments are truly formative in that they will allow you opportunities to develop your skills as you work towards proficiency. All formative assignments are expected to be corrected to a grade no lower than 80%. A grade lower than 80% on a formative assignment implies there are significant aspects of knowledge that are not yet sufficiently learned. 

Summative Assessments (50%)

Summative assessments are the work done in school after the learning of a topic. Summative assessments include end-of-unit tests, both independent and group work, and potential projects or presentations. Combined, these are worth 50% of your overall grade. These are assessments that work to sum up your knowledge and/or demonstrate your skills. 

Daily Journal (20%)

Math journals are in-class assignments that are graded on the basis of participation. Students will be asked to complete short written assignments at the end of class. These assignments may be restricted to a particular prompt or open-ended. While the goal is for this to be a daily assignment, some days we will not have journal assignments. Journals are to be collected at the end of each week, reviewed by the teacher for completion, and handed back to students at the beginning of the following week. Grading of journal entries will be based on completeness of work and alignment to the given prompt.

Eligibility: An average of 70% or above must be maintained in all classes to be eligible for athletic and extra-curricular activities. Students have two-weeks to restore eligibility if they fall below a 70%. Grade checks will occur every other week on Monday mornings, and if a student has dropped below a 70%, a plan will be put in place to help the student achieve their goal to become eligible again before the two-week period ends.

Class/Homework: Students are expected to show best effort on all class/homework and hand in assignments in a timely manner. If you need extra time on an assignment, you must come to me before the due date of the assignment. Communication is an important component in determining your success. You will be expected to keep track of your assignments through the Google Keep app. Assignments that score lower than 80% will be flagged as incomplete on PowerSchool and are expected to be corrected before the unit test. Correcting this work can be a helpful strategy for studying for an upcoming test. 

Absences: If you are absent, please check with me no later than the day you return to go over what you missed in class and to set up a due date for any make-up work (one day out equals one day extra to hand work in and so on). If you know you will be absent, please let me know ahead of time so I can get you the work you will miss, if that arrangement is possible.

Late Work: This only works to slow down your progress in regard to meeting learning targets, but it also hinders your ability to participate fully in class discussions and to keep up with current class activities. Please see me ahead of time if you need additional time on an assignment. Unexcused late work may affect your grade. For any assignment that is turned in beyond the quarter for which it was assigned, the final score for that assignment will remain a zero. Late assignments may receive a deduction in the final score for that assignment.

PowerSchool: Work scores and information will be communicated through PowerSchool. If you do not have access to your PS account, please let your homeroom teacher know ASAP. I will do my best to communicate your progress through PS as quickly as possible. This is not only a place to track grades, but also where late, missing, incomplete, or collected work can be flagged. If you ever have questions about an assignment score or status, please let me know.

Communication: All assignments will be announced during class and posted on PowerSchool. You can also email me with any questions. It is my goal to help you be successful in meeting your goals. Please do not ever hesitate to ask for help or additional resources. 

I am here to support you and your learning. Keeping open and honest communication will be key to success.

What are we currently learning?

Our second unit extends our knowledge of transformations to include the non-rigid transformation dilation. We define dilation utilizing our knowledge of scaled copies from 7th grade. We use dilations to define similarity and then finally slope. Our transition from transformations into slope is representative of our transition from middle school geometry into pre-Algebra concepts. 

To learn more about this unit and ways to support your student, see the resources available through our curriculum:

Graded Work

On most days, a new daily activity is assigned. These activities are expected to be completed during class. Any work that is not completed during class becomes homework and is expected to be completed for review time the following class.

If a student has questions and is not able to complete the assignment for the following class, they are asked to bring their questions with them for the class to discuss and support during review time. 

For an updated list of current assignments, check PowerSchool.