Old Science Units and Links

Web Links:


Day 1

Billy Bluehair explains Erosion Youtube: 2:43

Watch and discuss

-ReadWorks - log in and Read: Erosion  online together and answer questions.

Day 5

Video - Log onto BrainPop Jr. - watch, take quiz and discuss: Slow Land Changes 4:22

WorksheetFill in blanks

Day 2

Weathering Slide Show: Mrs. Warner’s weathering site

Scroll down to slide show watch full screen - read and discuss slides.

Day 6

Log onto Epic - read and take the quiz as a class: 

 How do Water and Wind Change Rock

Day 3

ReadWorks - log in then Read Grand Canyon online together and answer questions.

Day 7

Video - How to prevent soil erosion (5:40): Simply E-Learning - watch and discuss

Worksheet:  Identifying types of chang

Engineering Design Process

Lesson 1 - 3 investigative sheets and supplemental material - PDF

Lesson 1 - Water

Investigation A: Pre-Unit Assessment: What Do We Know About Earth’s Materials?

Investigation B: Where’s the Water?

Investigation C: How Does Water Change on Earth? (water cycle) (2 days with experiment)

Investigation D: How Much of Earth Is Water and How Much Is Land? (2 days)

Day 2

Lesson 2 - Rocks

Investigation A: What Can We Learn by Studying Rocks? (2 days)

Day 1

Day 2

Investigation B: Can I Make a Claim About How Landforms Change?

Lesson 3 - Sand

Investigation A: What Can We Learn by Studying Sand?

Investigation B: How Can Water Change Sand?

Investigation C: How Can Wind Change Sand?

Investigation D: Can We Design a Barrier to Reduce Wind Erosion?

Lesson 4-6  investigative sheets and supplemental material - PDF

Lesson 4 - Soil

Investigation A: What Makes Up Soil?

Investigation B: What Can We Learn by Studying Soil?  (2 days)

Day 1

Day 2

Supplemental:  All About Soil - YouTube 13:00

Investigation C: How Can Wind and Water Affect Soil?

Lesson 5 - Changing Earth / Land

Investigation A: How Do Glaciers Change Land?

Experiment Time

Moving Glacier - Time Lapse:  YouTube 3:46

How Glaciers move land: YouTube 2:30

Investigation B: How Do Rivers Change Land?

Experiment Time

Investigation C: How Do Earth’s Natural Processes Change Land? (2 days)

Day 1

Day 2

Lesson 6 - My Model Island

Investigation Charts:  My Model Island

Kahoot: Earth Materials

Investigation A: Can I Make a Model to Show What I Have Learned? (3 days)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Investigation B: What Can I Share About My Model Island? (2 days)

Day 1

Day 2

Investigation C: What Have I Learned About Earth’s Materials?

other phenomenon sources