lesson 12

Appreciating Happy Experiences

To remember a happy experience mindfully is to appreciate it and enjoy the physical, emotional, and cognitive benefits all over again.

Day 1 - Linking to Brain Research

Happy memories support a CAN-DO attitude

  • Remember Dopamine - that neurotransmitter linked to pleasure, attention, motivation and perseverance (chapter 6 & 7).

  • It is released when we have pleasurable experiences that involve laughing, physical exercise and acts of kindness.

  • Turns out that it is also released when we REMEMBER or relive those experiences as well.

  • Happy memories can be used as a "tool" to get our brain ready for new challenges.

  • Remembering a positive experience - triggering dopamine - can fight off feelings of hopelessness.

Mary Poppins: I Love to Laugh - Youtube 2:30

Harry Potter casting his first Patronus - Youtube 4:30


Try this:

  • On one side of a card or sheet of paper write something you would like to do but you really think is too hard to make happen. (get all A's, hit a home run, run a mile without stopping)

  • On the other side of the card write something related to the first side that you HAVE done already. (got an A on my math test, hit a ball that rolled to the fence, ran around the playground without stopping)

example card


  • How did you feel when you wrote the "I CAN" side of the card (second side)?

  • Do you feel differently about the 1st side after remembering what you had actually done? How?

Day 2 - Warm-Up - Memory-Sharing practice

Think of at least one thing that happened in school this year that made you happy (and no one sad).

Let's share!

Now, let's go back over the list.

  • Raise your hand to your chin if: a memory makes you smile a little

  • Raise your hand just above your head if: a memory makes you smile a lot

  • Raise your hand way high in the air if: a memory fills you with happiness or laughter


  • What kinds of situations produced really happy memories?

  • Why do you think some memories are stronger than others?

  • Does recalling a memory change the way you feel right now?

Day 3 - Engage, Explore, Reflect - Happy Memory Mini-Movie


  • One way to train our brains to think more optimistically is to take time to enjoy happy memories we've had.

  • We're going to remember mindfully: to really enjoy (savor) a happy memory, just like we did when we savored a morsel of food during mindful tasting.

  • Watch as I show how I can "see" my memory fully and enjoy every bit of it by closing my eyes and making a mini-movie in my mind.

  • Listen to my voice and see how my expression changes as I recall all the details that made my memory so special!


  • Think hard about something that made you feel really good. It could be from school, home or somewhere you visited.

  • It could be something you did, something exciting about a family member or friend, or maybe a special trip you went on.

  • When you hear the chime the room will become silent for a few minutes.

  • I'll give you some cues as you turn your memory into a mini-movie.

  • Remember to "see" the memory in your mind - place yourself there again.

      1. Chime: silence, eyes closed or looking down

      2. Bring all your attention to your happy experience.

      3. Start the mini-movie in your mind.

      4. See the people involved, notice the things that make you happy. Notice your thoughts and how your body is feeling.

      5. Picture the way your happy memory ends, and focus on how it makes you feel.


  • With your mini-movie fresh in your mind, use this cartoon storyboard to draw what happened.

  • Use word / thought bubbles to explain what you were thinking or saying.


  • As you savored your memory, how did your brain feel?

  • How did your body feel?

  • What do you think was happening in your brain and body during the memory?

  • How is that similar to or different from the mindful movement activity we did?

KEY POINTS to remember

  • Your brain, and happy memories, can help change how you feel.

  • While you can't always change what is going on around you, you CAN change what you're thinking and how you're feeling.

  • The next time you feel sad, remember your mini-movie and see if it doesn't make you feel better

Day 4 - Career Connection - Preschool Teacher

  • Young children often enjoy and appreciate the smallest details:

      • splashing in a puddle

      • watching a butterfly

      • playing with shadows

  • A preschool teacher is witness to these wonderfully simple memories many times a day.

  • Teachers are also key players in helping to make special memories.

  • Appreciating the simple, small details in life is one of the things that make teaching such a special job.

What kids can imagine - Youtube 1:23


  • What are other jobs where people try to create happy moments for others to enjoy?

  • Where have you seen a person really enjoying the job they are doing?

Try This:

  • Every day, try to create one happy memory.

  • Find something that is fun, funny or just makes you feel good.

Day 5 - Journal Writing I - I Just HAD to Laugh!

  • Use this journal page to draw and write about a time when something made you laugh.

  • Describe what is happening in your picture and what about it is funny to you.

Day 6 - A Shared Memory

Doing things with other people can make you (and them) happy. It's fun to remember and talk about things you have done with others. Remembering these fun shared memories can make you feel really good inside.

  • Try to remember a time you did something with someone else that you both had fun with.

  • Share this memory with the class.

  • Have you ever talked about this memory with the person who helped you make it?

  • How could you share this memory with him or her?

  • How might it make them feel?

It feels GREAT to help others feel GOOD!

Day 7 and Day 8 - Happy Memories Slide Show

NOTE: Having previous experience inserting and manipulating graphics and using Google Slides is very helpful.

  • Copy this template or create a blank slide show for your class.

  • Create an assignment in Google Classroom.

  • Add your class slideshow. NOTE: Be sure to select "students can edit file."

  • Discuss with the class how to respect other's work and to ONLY make changes to their own slide.

  • Students should think of people, places, events, things, animals - anything that creates a happy memory for them.

  • They should insert pictures and words that describe these happy memories.

  • Share the slideshow when complete.

Day 9 - Journal Writing II - H.A.P.P.Y. Acrostic Poem

  • Use this journal page to create a HAPPY poem.

  • Each letter in happy should begin a new word that makes you feel happy or think happy thoughts.

Day 10 - Literature Link

Pablo's Tree

by Pat Mora

Abuelito had planted the tree when Pablo was a tiny baby. For each birthday since, his grandfather surprises the little boy by decorating the tree with special types of decoration. As the story unfolds, you get to share Pablo's happy memories of past birthdays and other special times he's experienced with Abuelito.

Youtube reading: 6:43