MindUP - Lesson 1

How Our Brains Work

Day 1 - Linking to Brain Research

Key Players in the Brain


- aka: security guard

- protects us from threats

- "fight, flight, or freeze"


- aka: memory saver

- one behind each ear

- manages response to fear

- stores memory and learning

prefrontal cortex

- aka: Wise Leader or PFC

- controls decision making

- focuses attention

- allows us to learn

Clarify for the Class

Plastic bottle model: water / sand / glitter / metallic confetti

Shake the bottle: amygdala on alert - information scattered

Settle the bottle: calming mind - information can flow easily to the prefrontal cortex (PFC)

Discuss: Name a time when you felt so worried or anxious your mind was working like the shaken bottle.  What helped you think more clearly?

Day 2 - Warm-Up

Celebrating the Brain - to the tune "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"

My Brain is so Very Important to Me

My brain is so very important; it helps me do most everything,

Located here in my head; it's why I can think, choose, and sing.

My brain, my brain; it is so important to me, to me,

My brain, my brain; it is so important to me.

My brain, it helps me think and remember; my brain tells me fight, flee, or freeze;

It helps all my parts work together, and that's why I just have to say,

My brain, my brain; it is so important to me, to me,

My brain, my brain; it is so important to me.

The more your exercise your brain the stronger, smarter and more confident it becomes!

Discuss: "brainstorm" means to allow ideas to tumble out of your brain - it's a way to strengthen your thinking skills.

What are activities you do to exercise your mind?

Day 3 - Engage, Explore & Reflect 

Engage (Brain Power! activity sheet)



Try this situation:

While driving to school a squirrel runs out in front of your car.  

Day 4 - In the Real World 

Career Connection

Happy Learning: The Brain  - Youtube 3:32

Discuss:  What "brain work" would you enjoy doing?  Why?

Once a Day

Day 5 - Journal Writing - My Amygdala

Print and copy this Journal Page

Day 6 - A Calming Countdown

Situation #1: You are outside when a sudden, severe thunderstorm begins.

Situation #2: A young child takes a favorite toy of yours you want to play with  without asking.

immediate response

counting to 10 then responding

Day 7 - That's Scary!  No, it's Not!

Possible situations:

Day 8 - Take a Big Breath

What helps you to focus and relax?

Deep breathing is a great way to  help you focus your attention and relax.

Day 9 - Journal Writing - My Prefrontal Cortex

Print and copy this Journal Page

Draw a picture of a time when you are using your Prefrontal Cortex (PFC).

Below the picture write about what is happening.  

What is your PFC helping you do while you are calm and thinking clearly?

Day 10 - Literature Link

When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry

by Molly Bang

In an angry fit, Sophie runs out of her house.  As Sophie begins to notice the natural world around her, she calms down and returns home in a better mood.

Youtube Reading 4:06