
1540 hrs to 1700 hrs

After the Plenary Session, participants may choose to attend either a Forum or Concurrent Sessions.  

F1. A Journey of Transformation: Perspectives on the Integration of Technology 

with Teaching and Learning at RGS 

Forum  |  1540 – 1700 hrs  |  Evelyn Norris Auditorium, Level 1 Performing Arts Centre

Participants may also join this forum via zoom

By Mrs Lucille Yap, Raffles Girls’ School

Mrs Tan Yin Lai, Raffles Girls’ School

This forum will also feature 4 student presenters.

The Digital Age calls for a transformation of education where educators and students have to leverage and rely on digital tools. From the use of personal devices to online learning platforms, students must embrace lifelong learning outside of traditional classroom settings. To take a step towards this educational change, RGS 1-to-1 was initiated in 2010 with the twin objectives of learning enablement and capacity building in digital literacy for life and the workplace. In this forum, RGS educators and students will share their joy and challenges of teaching and learning in a digital classroom where educational technology has been actively integrated into the curriculum since the last decade.

F2. Translating and Applying Science of Learning and Integrating Neuroscience Literacy in Educators’ Training Programmes

Forum  |  1540 – 1700 hrs  |  Raffles Learning Centre, Level 2 Galleria Block

This forum will feature two presentations.

1. Translating and Applying Science of Learning in Singapore: An NIE Experience

By Asst. Prof Farhan Ali, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

There is an emerging science of learning (SoL) that combines neuroscience, cognitive science, technologies, and education. In this presentation, the speaker will provide a broad overview of SoL while also sharing specific examples of how established teaching practices in Singapore can potentially be enhanced from the SoL perspective. These examples cover relevant areas of how students learn and remember, how they feel and learn, and how they can become more self-directed. NIE's growing science of learning efforts, particularly in raising SoL literacy among teachers via training programmes, will also be highlighted.

2. Neuroscience Literacy: What Do Educators in Asia Think?

By Dr Astrid Schmied, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

The disciplinary science that examines the center of learning - the brain - is called neuroscience. The integration of key neuroscience-related content in educators’ training programmes has gained global interest, and several educational institutions have accommodated their plans and agendas, launching initiatives to strengthen these efforts. This presentation will share a few international studies on the importance of training educators in neuroscience-related content. It will also introduce local initiatives that articulate human capital, infrastructure, and strategies to advance neuroscience literacy in educators’ training in pre- and in-service programmes.