Enhancing Teachers’ Data Practices to 

Impact Teaching and Learning 

Session 1 synopsis: Expert Session on 5 April 2023

Every classroom provides a rich source of data that tells us about our students - their needs, abilities, interests, levels of understanding, engagement and interactions at different points in time. This data may come from formative and summative assessments, teachers’ observations in the classroom and students’ own reflection or self-assessment of their learning.

This PEDTalk session is focused on teachers’ data practices in the classroom where data about students is collected and used to help teachers review lesson effectiveness,  differentiate instruction and personalise students’ learning. In Graham’s blended learning (BL) model, data practices are defined as teachers’ ability to use digital tools to monitor student activity and performance in order to make informed choices about interventions to help all students progress (Graham et al., 2019).

Admittedly, data practices can be challenging, especially since collecting and analysing data and putting data to work takes time. In this session, teachers will engage with our two guest speakers and come away with new ideas and practical ways to harness data that will impact teaching and learning. 

Speaker 1: “Data practices in the context of teaching and learning”. 

Dr Elizabeth Koh, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Questions to think about:

Speaker 2: “Making learning outcomes measurable”

Dr Nina Tan, Course Facilitator for “Learning Analytics and Data Visualisation”, Singapore Management University.

Questions to think about:

Session 2 synopsis: Practitioner Session on 22 August 2023

Every classroom provides a rich source of data that tells us about our students - their needs, abilities, interests, levels of understanding, engagement and interactions at different points in time. In Graham’s blended learning (BL) model, data practices are defined as teachers’ ability to use digital tools to monitor student activity and performance in order to make informed choices about interventions to help all students progress (Graham et al., 2019). This data may come from formative and summative assessments, teachers’ observations in the classroom and students’ own reflection or self-assessment of their learning.

In Session 1 on 5 April 2023, we invited two speakers, Dr Elizabeth Koh from NIE, NTU, and Dr Nina Tan, Learning Analytics and Data Visualisation Course Facilitator at SMU to share their thoughts and insights into data practices in the context of teaching and learning.

Session 2 was held on 22 August 2023. It was a practitioner session that focused on teachers’ data practices in the classroom. Participants got to hear from two teachers on how they used data to review lesson effectiveness, improve students’ learning, differentiate / personalise instructions and monitor students’ progress. Participants were also encouraged to share their own classroom experience and practitioner knowledge during the table conversations. 


PEDTalk 2023 Session 1_Dr ElizabethKoh_Data Practices.pdf
PEDTalk 2023 Session 1_ Dr Nina Tan_Learning Analytics.pdf


Practice Circle on Data Practices in the Classroom may be initiated if there are interest from teachers. This may commence in September 2023, after the two PEDTalk sessions. The specific Area of Practice, timeframe and learning activities will be determined by members of the Practice Circle.


Registration for Session 2 is now closed. 


Session 1: Wednesday 5 April 2023, 2.50 pm to 4.45 pm, via Zoom    

Session 2: Tuesday 22 August 2023, 2.50 pm to 4.45 pm, RGS campus (Raffles Learning Centre)